Books Filmmaking Interview People Photography

Peter Bogdanovich Interviews Orson Welles (Audio)

More on photographer Bob Willoughby here.  In the late ’60s and early ’70s, filmmaker Peter Bogdanovich had conducted extensive interviews with Welles, but a number of circumstances–including the director’s decision to compose an autobiography that he never got around to writing–kept the interviews out of the public eye. Finally edited and annotated by Jonathan Rosenbaum, […]

Animation Books Disney People

Walt Before Mickey – Exclusive Trailer

From our friends over at DisneybyMark. Walt Before Mickey, is a big screen movie about the life of a simple man with a big dream: Walt Disney. Set in the early 1900′s, the film is based on the book Walt Before Mickey that chronicles Walt’s early years and his rise to success. This feature film is […]

Animation Books Pixar

Ed Catmull’s new book Creativity, Inc about Pixar

I have pre-ordered it! Cartoon Brew has a review. As a young man, Catmull had a dream: to make the world’s first computer-animated movie. He nurtured that dream first as a Ph.D. student at the University of Utah, where many computer science pioneers got their start, and then forged an early partnership with George Lucas […]