Happy Birthday to George Lucas! As we know George was a big proponent of the use of digital technology in cinema. When I worked at Sony in the 1990’s, we were on the cutting edge of using digital cameras for cinematography.

Happy Birthday to George Lucas! As we know George was a big proponent of the use of digital technology in cinema. When I worked at Sony in the 1990’s, we were on the cutting edge of using digital cameras for cinematography.
Photo from the Jerry Lewis Comedy Museum. While I was at CineGear Expo, I met Michael Frediani at the SOC booth and thanked about about his research into Jerry Lewis and told him I would post his article on video assist. I also included an article from the 695 Quarterly about Jim Songer about his […]
I went to CineGear this year. It was great, was able to catch up and reconnect with some old friends and make new ones. I got a picture of the new Leonard Nimoy street sign on the Paramount lot where the Expo was held. He was also a photographer as well as a director and did many projects […]
Akio Morita was a founder, and for many years, the CEO of Sony. He was the Steve Jobs of Japan. During his tenure Sony came up with many consumer electronic advances. Sony first launched its Betamax products in 1975 as a household, magnetic video format for consumers to record analog television shows.