Animation Filmmaking Technology VFX

“What Lives Inside” Episodes

I previously wrote about What Lives Inside here. This is the future folks, computer companies producing a movie to be shown on a streaming service. Get ready to be taken to a world beyond your imagination. From Academy Award Winner Robert Stromberg, Dell presents What Lives Inside. Starring Academy Award Winner J.K. Simmons, Colin Hanks and […]

Cinematography Filmmaking Interview People

Kubrick and his lenses, with Joe Dunton BSC

ARRI IIC and lenses from the LACMA Kubrick exhibit.   Some of the questions are in French. Click on the arrows in the lower right to make full screen.

Architecture Design Filmmaking People Technology World Fairs and Expos

IBM at the 1964 World’s Fair by Charles and Ray Eames

The entire IBM pavilion was designed by Charles Eames and Eero Saarinen Associates. Image: Eames Designs From The Eames Office curated the entire IBM Pavillion, with many movies and exhibits on the ground floor. The climactic feature was the movie THINK, shown in the egg-shaped structure which towered 90 feet overhead. This movie gives the […]

Animation Filmmaking Technology VFX

“What Lives Inside” Official Trailer and behind the scenes

This is the future folks, computer companies producing a movie to be shown on a streaming service. Get ready to be taken to a world beyond your imagination. From Academy Award Winner Robert Stromberg, Dell presents What Lives Inside. Starring Academy Award Winner J.K. Simmons, Colin Hanks and Catherine O’Hara. Premiering March 25th only on Hulu. […]

Cinematography Filmmaking Photography


Founded in 1915, the Technicolor Motion Picture Corporation transformed cinema forever with its revolutionary color processes. George Eastman House marks this important centennial with the exhibition In Glorious Technicolor, on view January 24 through April 26, 2015 in the special exhibition galleries. The exhibition celebrates Technicolor’s vivid history, from the company’s early years through the […]

Books Filmmaking Interview People Photography

Peter Bogdanovich Interviews Orson Welles (Audio)

More on photographer Bob Willoughby here.  In the late ’60s and early ’70s, filmmaker Peter Bogdanovich had conducted extensive interviews with Welles, but a number of circumstances–including the director’s decision to compose an autobiography that he never got around to writing–kept the interviews out of the public eye. Finally edited and annotated by Jonathan Rosenbaum, […]

Cinematography Film Editing Filmmaking People

Gregg Toland, Citizen Kane article in International Photographer.

Article in International Photographer, the forerunner of International Cinematographer Magazine. International Photographer (Jan-Dec 1941) Deep Focus Raising Kane In a 1969 interview, cast and crew remember working with the mad genius Orson Welles on his groundbreaking first film. Republished from the DGA’s Action magazine (May-June, 1969)    

Cinematography Film Editing Filmmaking People

Magician: The Astonishing Life and Work of Orson Welles

The Lady from Shanghai (1947) Update:The new Orson Welles documentary MAGICIAN starts in Los Angeles and New York City on December 10th!  More info: Magician: The Astonishing Life and Work of Orson Welles looks at the remarkable genius of Orson Welles on the eve of his centenary – the enigma of his career as a […]